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There are about 30000 taxis in Guangzhou. The various colors of the cars signify different taxi companies. Passengers can stop a taxi by just waving his or her hand. 

The basic charge is RMB 10 for the first 2.5 kilometers and, at the destination they pay the charge that is displayed on the taximeter. The price per kilometer beyond the initial 2.5 kilometers is RMB2.2 or RMB2.6 per kilometer depending on whether the route is inside or outside the defined metro service area.

Additionally, by calling and telling operators their location and phone number through the pickup hotline (96122), passengers can be picked up by specially dispatched taxis.


A new system has been installed in some taxis to help passengers who do not speak Chinese communicate with Guangzhou's drivers. A touch screen is installed at the back of the taxi allowing passengers to search for their destination on an electronic map both in Chinese and English. By touching his desired destination on the map, the system will read out the destination, telling the driver what the passenger wants to go. The map covers over 100 local venues split into 7 categories: sport venues, entertainment, restaurants, shopping, hotels, consulates and transportation.

Otherwise the traffic guide on the website can be of great assistance. It contains not only the names of places printed in Chinese but also information presentable to taxi drivers. 

Traffic guides to major organizations (Business Associations, Consulates and Banks) are available. You can have them printed only by clicking "[print]". Show the guide to taxi drivers and they will know where you want to go.


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