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Cultural relics of Roman Empire go on display at Guangdong Museum
Update: 2024-06-21     Source: Chinadaily.com.cn

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

An exhibition showcasing cultural relics belonging to the Roman Empire opened at the Guangdong Museum in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Thursday.

The 98 pieces and sets, including statues, frescoes, mosaics, silver wares and glass wares, on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

The works were discovered at Pompeii and Herculaneum, ancient Roman cities destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, or belong to the Renaissance-era Farnese family.

The exhibition will run until Oct 13.

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

Over 90 pieces and sets on display all come from Italy's National Archaeological Museum of Naples. 

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