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GDToday to celebrate international dragon boat friendship in downtown Guangzhou
Update: 2024-06-24     Source: GDToday

On June 29, the 2024 Tianhe Dragon Boat Invitational Race will kick off in Liede, Guangzhou. To coincide with the competition, GDToday is ready to hold a series of events titled “GDToday Salon: A Celebration of Dragon Boat Friendship” in Liede, bringing together international friends to celebrate dragon boat culture in downtown Guangzhou.

One of the event highlights will be watching a dragon boat race in the central business area of Guangzhou. As the dragon boat season approaches its end, the Tianhe District in Guangzhou has summoned its residents for a dragon boat race on the Liede River this Saturday, where the invited guests of GDToday will watch this adrenaline-pumping competition of power and speed up close.

The events also include a dragon boat feast, a tradition that usually features hundreds of tables laden with food for people to celebrate their bonds, whether it be kinship, friendship, or community. On the evening of June 29, GDToday will host a dragon boat feast in Liede, inviting guests to join the residents of Liede, celebrating a cross-cultural friendship at tables full of Cantonese cuisine.

In addition, an exhibition of dragon boat cultural products will be set up in the nearby Tiande Square, showcasing the blending of dragon boat icons with contemporary design.

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