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City news
Maglev trains to link Shenzhen with Guangzhou and Shanghai [2024-05-27] 
Guangzhou promotes city image in Northern Ireland [2024-05-24] 
What are the legal requirements for changing jobs in China? [2024-05-22] 
Liwan District in Guangzhou develops six unique food hubs [2024-05-22] 
More metro trains to be added during rush hours [2024-05-22] 
Guangzhou to build general airports in five districts [2024-05-21] 
Guangzhou Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway reconstruction and expansion project drills its first pile foundation [2024-05-21] 
Exploring how Guangzhou's 'Low-Altitude + Cultural Tourism' takes flight [2024-05-21] 
Explore 5 new national first-class museums in Guangdong [2024-05-21] 
Legal Tips | Don't ignore the visa stay period! [2024-05-17] 
New pedestrian bridge to enhance Canton Tower Area [2024-05-17] 
Four new intercity rail lines to connect five major cities in Guangdong Province [2024-05-16] 
Pantang Village of Guangzhou’s Liwan holds the dragon boat awakening ceremony [2024-05-17] 
Guangdong Museum elevated to China’s National First-Grade Museum [2024-05-15] 
Delegation of Russian media outlets visits Guangzhou [2024-05-15] 
Guangzhou metro to pilot "ticket gates always open" mode [2024-05-15] 
15 minutes from city center to Guangzhou South Railway Station! This tunnel to make it possible [2024-05-14] 
Sci-tech talent application in GZ’s Huangpu to close on May 20 [2024-05-14] 
The Dragon Boat performance kicks off at Haizhu Wetland! [2024-05-14] 
Preview of 2024 Guangzhou International Travel Fair [2024-05-13] 
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