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City news
Guangzhou Football Park commences construction and expects to operate by the end of 2025 [2024-03-28] 
Guangzhou Zoo Protects Birds in the City [2024-03-28] 
Iraq opens its first consulate general in Guangzhou [2024-03-27] 
Guangzhou becomes top investment destination for Japanese-funded companies [2024-03-27] 
Two units of Guangzhou get national Innovation and Promotion Award [2024-03-27] 
Visiting US students build new connections [2024-03-27] 
China to develop Guangzhou's Nansha into "go global" hub [2024-03-25] 
Over 60 million yuan provided to support Singaporean enterprises [2024-03-25] 
Guangzhou celebrates 8th anniversary of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation [2024-03-25] 
Nansha new stadium for sports and shows capped [2024-03-25] 
Panoramic View of GBA - Heritage [2024-03-25] 
Guangzhou Marathon named an influential event of Chinese Athletics Association in 2023 [2024-03-25] 
Guangzhou gears up for 15th National Games, Special Olympics [2024-03-22] 
What opportunities await Guangdong's sole new area amidst high-quality development? [2024-03-22] 
Guangzhou's air quality maintains a high standard in 2023 [2024-03-22] 
Guangzhou to host opening ceremony of National Games,Special Paralympic Games [2024-03-21] 
Guangdong witnesses boost in cross-border e-commerce [2024-03-21] 
Guangzhou releases latest draft of urban rail transit passenger code for public feedback [2024-03-21] 
When spring flowers of Guangzhou meet Chinese textbooks [2024-03-21] 
2024 Huangpu 'Boluodan Temple Fair' kicks off with dancing dragons and lions [2024-03-21] 
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