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Free places to enjoy sea views in Guangzhou, all reachable by metro and bus
Update: 2024-07-11     Source: GDToday

Explore Guangzhou's hidden gems where you can enjoy stunning sea views for free. These must-visit spots offer breathtaking vistas and unforgettable experiences, all reachable by subway and bus.

Nansha Marina (南沙游艇会)

Explore a picturesque seaside European-style castle town, renowned as a filming location for Stephen Chow's "The Mermaid". Enjoy picturesque views of the ocean, bustling docks, and majestic cruise ships, perfect for capturing breathtaking sunset scenes.

Location:No. 5 Gangqian Avenue South, Nansha District

Transportation:Take Metro Line 4 to Huangge (in Chinese: 黄阁) Station, use Exit A, and then transfer to Bus South No.3 to Nanbeitai (in Chinese: 南北台) Station.

Gull Island (海鸥岛)

The island boasts a scenic greenway and a main road perfect for cycling. Ride your bike, feel the refreshing sea breeze, and take in stunning sunsets—it's an unforgettable romantic experience!

Location: East side of Shilou Town, Panyu District

Transportation:Take Metro Line 3 to Panyu Square (in Chinese: 番禺广场) Station, use Exit C, and then transfer to Bus Pan No. 148 to Hexing Village (in Chinese: 合兴村) Station (taxi recommended).

Lingshan Island (灵山岛)

This coastal scenic area offers breathtaking sea views, a charming lighthouse, expansive tidal flats, and a picturesque seawall. It's recommended as a premier camping destination.

Location: Jiangling North Road, Nansha District

Transportation: Take Metro Line 4 to Jiaomen (in Chinese: 蕉门) Station, use Exit B, and then transfer to Nansha G4/G5 bus to Lingshan Island.

Puzhou Fort (蒲洲炮台)

Experience the refreshing air and soothing sea breeze with the sea on one side and lush forests on the other. Relax, and embrace the feeling of freedom here.

Location: About 90 meters south of Nansha Grand Hotel, Gangqian Avenue South, Nansha District

Transportation: Take Metro Line 4 to Nansha Passenger Port (in Chinese: 南沙客运港) Station, and use Exit B.

Huigu Super Embankment (慧谷超级堤)

With a 7-kilometer coastal greenway, Huigu Super Embankment offers stunning sea views and scenic grassy fields—a perfect spot for photography, camping, cycling, and sunset viewing.

Location: Haibin Road, Nansha District

Transportation: Take Metro Line 4 to Nanheng (in Chinese: 南横) Station, use Exit B, and then transfer to Nansha W2 bus to Gong Cheng Xue Yuan Zong Zhan (in Chinese: 工研院总站) station.

Nansha Coastal Greenway (南沙滨海绿道)

Stretching approximately 7 kilometers, the Nansha Coastal Greenway features scenic wetlands and seaside grass platforms, perfect for activities like cycling, fishing, camping, and picnicking.

Location:Intersection of Haibin Road and Yangbin Road, Nansha District

Transportation:Take Metro Line 4 to Nanheng (in Chinese: 南横) Station, and use Exit A.

Tianhou Palace Coastal Beach (天后宫滨海沙滩)

Experience a unique seaside beach where walking barefoot on the soft sand brings an unparalleled sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Location:Southeast foothills of Dajiao Mountain, Nansha District

Transportation: Take Metro Line 4 to Nansha Passenger Port (in Chinese: 南沙客运港) Station, and use Exit B.

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