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China-Africa local government forum held in Guangzhou, looks to expand cooperation
Update: 2024-07-11     Source: GDTV Net

The 5th Forum on China-Africa Local Government Cooperation took place in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, on Tuesday (July 9). Officials and representatives from China and 29 African states gathered to discuss collaboration in industrial development, talent training, and green innovation.

The forum, established in 2012, held its previous four major sessions in China's capital Beijing. For the first time, it took place in Guangzhou, Guangdong, which is also home to the famous Canton Fair.

Ties between African states and Guangdong are long-standing. Since the late 20th century, the light industry in the Pearl River Delta has attracted many African traders. In recent years, the cooperation has expanded into a variety of new areas.

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