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Uzbekistan Journalists in China: Nansha Port of Guangzhou a gateway to more trade with Uzbekistan
Update: 2024-05-30     Source: GDToday

On May 29, a delegation comprising representatives from ten Uzbekistan media outlets continued their visit in Guangzhou. The delegation paid a visit to the Nansha Port Area, and the exhibition hall of Digital Service Trade Platform.

At the Nansha Planning Exhibition Hall, the press delegation familiarized themselves with the development roadmap as well as the industrial layout in the area. From the vantage point overlooking the Nansha Port, the delegation bore witness to a fully automated container terminal.

Tursunov Zafar, a Uzbekistan Radio Journalist, described Nansha Port of Guangzhou as an open gate to the world. In addition to the volumes and numbers of containers, he also sees the port as an important hub for improving trade between China and Uzbekistan, especially under the framework of Shanghai Corporation Organization. “We’ve signed some contracts with countries like China,” he told GDToday, “and in the future I am confident that our trade will increase and we will cooperate more deeply.”

Mirsadikov Miravzal, Manager at Tashkent HIT Radio Station, noted in an interview with GDToday that he saw a proper balance between urban construction and greenery. “I am very impressed to see the city planning, especially with the layout of water and roads in Nansha.” he said. He spoke highly of the designers who have put lots of thoughts into bringing green development to Nansha.

Up next, the delegation will travel to Zhuhai and Shenzhen for further exploration in the GBA.

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