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Guangdong issues regulations to boost opening-up in Nansha
Update: 2024-01-22     Source: GDToday

On January 19, Guangdong released the Regulations of Nansha on Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao for Opening-up, which will take effect on March 1, 2024.

The Regulations include 58 articles in 8 chapters, covering the fields of scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, opening-up cooperation, urban development, rule convergence, and comprehensive supportive work mechanisms in Nansha District of Guangzhou.

The People's Government of Guangdong Province will strengthen overall coordination and further collaborate with Hong Kong and Macao to create a first-class business environment of marketization, legalization, and internationalization.

To promote high-level opening-up to the world, Nansha will deepen foreign financial and trade cooperation, strengthen international shipping and logistics hubs, build new platforms for international exchanges, and establish global traceability centers. Nansha will also take a more proactive approach to aligning with high-standard international economic and trade rules.

In terms of industrial development, the Regulations highlight strategic emerging industries such as intelligent manufacturing, ocean, automobile, digital technology, green technology, integrated circuit and semiconductor, biomedicine, commercial aerospace, artificial intelligence, new energy vehicles, and new energy storage industries.

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