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Flower market in Guangzhou welcomes the Lunar New Year
Update: 2024-01-12     Source: Yangcheng Evening News

With the approaching of the Lunar New Year, the flower market is gradually heating up. On January 10th, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News visited the Lingnan Flower Market, a large flower retail and wholesale market located in the Liwan District of Guangzhou.

During the visit, the reporter found that the Chinese New Year flower species were already on sale. Although the price has slightly increased, they remain acceptable to the public. In addition, there has been an increase in orders from Hong Kong and Macao compared to the 2022 level. Currently, popular flower varieties such as orchids, Kashi Holly, and hydrangeas are selling well, and many new varieties of flowers specifically designed for the Year of the Dragon are also making their debut in the market.

With only a month left until the Spring Festival, businesses at the Lingnan Flower Market are busy arranging the Chinese New Year flowers and tangerines.

"This year, the sales of Chinese New Year flowers have started two weeks earlier than before. As the government departments' promotion enhances the festive atmosphere, people are consuming and purchasing Chinese New Year flowers in advance," said He Yong, the manager of the Lingnan Flower Market. The market's proximity to the subway station and convenient bus connections have ensured that the market remains relatively hot even on weekdays. Many elderly people have come to the Lingnan Flower Market one after another to learn about and select their favorite Chinese New Year flowers.

At the stall selling tangerines, different varieties are neatly displayed, attracting customers who inquire about the prices. According to the stall owner, the prices of tangerines vary depending on their size and variety. For example, a 7-inch Sijiguo (四季果) is priced at 48-50 yuan, while a 10-inch Jindanguo (金旦果) is priced at 100 yuan.

Miss Ma, a resident, purchased an 8-inch Kumquat for 95 yuan at the scene. She said, "I buy tangerines every year about a month before the Spring Festival. This time, I still chose to buy it in advance to avoid the crowds and traffic close to the Chinese New Year, when the prices of tangerines tend to rise. Last year, I could buy an 8-inch Kumquat for 68 yuan, but this year, I bought it for 95 yuan, which is still acceptable considering that the Spring Festival only comes once a year."

The vibrant and eye-catching orchids are on display at the Mantianhong Horticulture store. Mo Xiaoli, the store manager, said, "This year, the prices of orchids have increased by approximately 10% to 15%. Although the demand for Chinese New Year flowers remains high, some flower growers have adopted a conservative stance on flower cultivation due to the impact of the previous pandemic. Currently, there is a tendency for supply to fall short of demand. However, there has been an increase in orders from Hong Kong and Macao this year, and we receive daily orders from there."

According to He Yong, "Based on the sales of Chinese New Year flowers and tangerines at the Lingnan Flower Market, there is a high demand for tangerines and orchids. Their prices have increased compared to the 2022 level. Enterprises, retail florists, and residents have come to make early purchases. Large orders have already been completed in early January, and some merchants are keeping their stock for a final surge before the Spring Festival."

In addition to traditional Chinese New Year flowers, tangerines, and fresh cut flowers, the Lingnan Flower Market has introduced a new batch of orchid varieties being sold at the Guangzhou Impressions Horticulture (广州印象园艺) this year.

While Chinese Lunar New Year flowers are selling well, imported flowers are also being introduced. Flower species from Iran, South Africa, Colombia, and the Netherlands have already been launched, and a forsythia flower kind from Dutch is expected to arrive soon," said Quan Zhenjuan, the person in charge of Guangzhou Lidalong Fresh Flowers Co., Ltd.

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