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Pazhou Ferry Terminal witnesses over 73,000 inbound and outbound passengers last year
Update: 2024-01-10     Source: GDToday

At 10 am on January 8, as the "Haizhu Wan" ferry slowly entered the Pazhou Ferry Terminal in Guangzhou, inbound passengers were heading to the customs inspection area in an orderly manner to go through customs clearance procedures. Within 30 minutes, all inbound passengers completed the customs procedures.

"I'm studying abroad and now returning home to Guangzhou for the holiday. It's my first time traveling from Hong Kong International Airport to Pazhou Ferry Terminal, and I can handle my luggage directly at Hong Kong International Airport, without having to carry all my luggage for transit," said Miss Chen, an overseas student from Guangzhou. "Importantly, it's only a half-hour drive from Pazhou Ferry Terminal to my home, so it save me almost an hour," she said.

The Pazhou Ferry Terminal is the only cross-border water passenger transport port in the downtown area of Guangzhou, connecting Hong Kong and Macao. Statistics show that since the terminal began trial operations on April 14, 2023,  Guangzhou Customs at Pazhou Ferry Terminal had offered services to a total of over 73,000 inbound and outbound passengers traveling through the port as of December 31, 2023.

In the first week of 2024 (January 1 to January 7), Guangzhou Customs handled about 1,800 inbound and outbound passenger trips through the Pazhou Ferry Terminal.

"In the near future, the customs will enhance the informatization of customs supervision, strengthen information sharing with other ports, and optimize personalized services, such as convenient channels, to further improve passengers' customs clearance experience," said Xu Yue, deputy director of Guangzhou Customs at the Pazhou Ferry Terminal.

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