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Latest changes to bus service in Guangzhou amid COVID Outbreak
Update: 2022-03-16     Source: Newsgd.com

(Photo: Nanfang Daily)

To strengthen epidemic prevention and control in Guangzhou, on March 16, Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau has announced its latest adjustments to the bus services within the city, which concerns 66 bus lines and 11 bus stations on Baiyun Street in Yuexiu District (越秀区白云街), Tiyuxi in Tianhe District (天河区体育西), and Yunpu Street in Huangpu District (黄埔区云埔街). In addition, both Exit A and Exit G of Tiyu Xilu metro station (体育西路站) have been closed.

Baiyun Street in Yuexiu District (越秀区白云街)

Bus will stop calling at the following stations:

Baiyun Road Bus Terminus (白云路总站)

Donghua Nan Road (End of Jiangwan Bridge) Bus Terminus (东华南路(江湾桥脚)总站)

End of Jiangwan Bridge (both directions) (江湾桥脚站(双向))

Baiyun Road (both directions) (白云路站(双向))

Affected bus lines include Bus No. 4, 7, 12, 16, 24, 35, 36, 54, 59, 61, 65, 80, 91, 93, 101, 104, 112, 125, 129, 182, 184, 192, 194, 222, 223, 264, 247, 285, 299, 519, 535, 502, 541, 551, B5, B5 Fast Line, Night Line 12, Night Line 16, Night Line 39, Night Line 102, Night Line 107, and Rush Hour Fast Line 70.

Tiyuxi of Tianhe Distinct (天河区体育西区域)

Bus will no longer call at the following stations:

South of Tiyu Xilu (both directions) (体育西路南站(双向))

Teemall Bus Terminus (天河城总站)

Affected bus lines include Bus No. 137, 140, 777, and Holiday Line 7.

While Exits A and G of Tiyu Xilu metro station are closed, the other exits remain open.

Yunpu Street in Huangpu District (黄埔区云埔街)

Bus will no longer call at the following stations:

Kaichuang Avenue (both directions) (开创大道口站(双向))

Affected bus lines include Bus No. 321, 331, 374, 389, 393, 437, 439, 450, 516, 566, 567, 569, 572, 579, 940, 946, B31, Night Line 49, Night Line 57, and Night Line 73.

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