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Guangdong requires quarantine on arrivals from high-risk regions
Update: 2020-03-04     Source: Newsgd.com

Guangdong requires a 14-day self-quarantine or medical observation at designated hotels for all people arriving from or having been to high-risk areas experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak. Passengers who show suspected symptoms will be sent to designated hospitals for further inspection and treatment. The measure pertains to both expats and Chinese citizens alike, according to the Guangdong Health Commission statement at the press conference on March 3rd.

The move aims to control and reduce the number of imported cases as the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the risk assessment of COVID-19 from high to very high at global level. On March 1st, Guangdong reported the first imported case in which the patient flew from London to Hong Kong on Feb 27 and then took a ferry to Shenzhen through Shekou Port on 28th.

To enforce the measure, airline companies will inform the related entry-exit polices in Guangdong when passengers purchase the ticket or check in at the airport, and actively provide help if they need a ticket refund.

During the flight, the cabin crew will ask the passengers if they have a fever or come from a region with a large number of COVID-19 cases, and require all passengers to fill in the health declaration form.

Those who have no masks will get one for free from the airline company or at the airport. The China Immigration Inspection, and the Customs and the Health Commission will enforce strict health inspections and related administration after arrival. Translation services will be provided during the process.

If sent to a designated hotel for medical observation, each passenger will have a single room. The hotel will guarantee catering services respecting the dietary requirements of the individual concerned.

Zhou Zixiao, Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Health Commission, stressed that Guangdong attaches great importance to the passenger demand while guaranteeing their health and safety, trying to achieve understanding and support from related countries and their people. The measures taken by Guangdong do not target specific countries or regions but apply to all arrivals including Chinese citizens and expats.

In addition the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) has informed the Consulates General of impacted countries about the situation and gained their understanding. The FAO also launched a 24-hour hotline 1258088 to handle related inquiries from expats in both Chinese and English.

From February 27th to March 1st, immigration checkpoints across the province reported 1496 passengers from high-risk countries and regions. All of these passengers were tested negative for the coronavirus.

Health declaration compulsory for passengers

China has adopted strict measures on entry-exit epidemic control including the submission of a declaration of health to screen people for COVID-19 symptoms, it was announced at a news conference held by the State Council on March 1st.

The English version of health declaration WeChat mini-programme was launched on January 31st (search ‘海关旅客指尖服务国际版’ on WeChat). It allows English input and enables foreign passengers to complete the health declaration at borders.

The online declaration procedures are as followed:


1. The online declaration is effective for 24 hours;

2. You can renew the declaration form after 2 hours;

3. If you make any mistakes in the declaration, please call customs staff for assistance;

4. You have to update the declaration form based on your actual health condition when you are at the border checkpoint.

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