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China Railway Guangzhou Group introduces quiet carriages on these rail routes
Update: 2024-06-25     Source: GDToday

China Railway Guangzhou Group has unveiled its first batch of "quiet carriages", available on six train services starting June 20. These carriages are featured on trains traversing the routes of Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway, Shanghai-Kunming High-Speed Railway, and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-Speed Railway.

China Railway Guangzhou Group has unveiled its first batch of "quiet carriages", available on six train services starting June 20. 

According to a staff from the Guangdong Railway Group's Passenger Service Department, the initial trains include:

G818 Guangzhou South Railway Station - Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station

G819 Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station - Guangzhou South Railway Station

G80 Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station- Beijing West Railway Station

G79 Beijing West Railway Station - Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station

G5619 Shenzhen North Railway Station - Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station

G5656 Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station - Shenzhen North Railway Station

"Quiet carriages" of the trains above are all located in carriage No. 3 of each train, with signs pasted in conspicuous positions within the passenger compartment and on theseats. 

Signs of "quiet carriages" are pasted in the conspicuous positions of the passenger compartment and seats. 

During operation, the "quiet carriages" maintain reduced noise levels through automatic closing doors and adjusted broadcasting volumes, while onboard entertainment systems are muted. Train staff provide discreet services, and passengers can utilize QR codes on their seats for various inquiries such as ticketing, dining, and complaints, as well as access to digital reading services available on the train.

Inside "quiet carriages". 

To book the "quiet carriages", passengers are advised to request them during ticket purchase at railway ticket counters, through vending machines, or via the official 12306.cn website and its app.

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