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Major Projects
The Guangzhou Municipal Government has detailed plans for urban development and major projects. Get an overview of these plans through this webpage.
Guangzhou Metro Line 18 to connect with three intercity railways 2024-06-21 
Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway handles nearly 1.7bn passengers since 2009 2024-06-20 
Lixinsha Bridge in Guangzhou's Nansha to reopen soon 2024-06-03 
First tunnel in Liwan District of Guangzhou Metro Line 22 completes 2024-05-31 
Guangzhou Fangcun Pier is set for major expansions 2024-05-30 
Longest intercity railway in Greater Bay Area put into operation 2024-05-27 
Maglev trains to link Shenzhen with Guangzhou and Shanghai 2024-05-27 
Guangzhou to build general airports in five districts 2024-05-21 
Guangzhou Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway reconstruction and expansion project drills its first pile foundation 2024-05-21 
New pedestrian bridge to enhance Canton Tower Area 2024-05-17 
Four new intercity rail lines to connect five major cities in Guangdong Province 2024-05-16 
15 minutes from city center to Guangzhou South Railway Station! This tunnel to make it possible 2024-05-14 
Starting area of Guangzhou International Financial City to be completed next year 2024-05-08 
Guangzhou's first metro loop line's long track connected 2024-04-30 
A new cultural landmark inaugurated in China's Greater Bay Area 2024-04-29 
Bai'etan Greater Bay Area Art Center lights up for its opening in May 2024-04-25 
Phase I of the second airport in Guangzhou to be completed in 2027 2024-04-12 
Light rail from Guangzhou to Macao to open within year 2024-04-10 
Largest station on Guangzhou Metro Line 12 capped 2024-04-10 
Tianhe Sports Center to undergo revamp for National Games 2024-04-08 
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