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Culture and Custom

Cantonese Opera Arts Performance

It is the center of Chinese Lingnan Culture. Cantonese Opera is a typical local opera that enjoys the name of "Nanguo Ruby". With Guangzhou as its center, it is popular in Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asian countries. Guangdong music originated from Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta. It has absorbed and combined with ancient music from the Central China, popular tune of Jiangnan, Kun Opera, local ballads and rhymes, so it has become a special local folk music. Lingnan painting school is one of China's modern painting schools. Guangzhou's carvings, porcelains and ceramics and embroideries are fine art crafts famous both at home and abroad. Cantonese cuisine with more than 1,000 varieties is one of the major cuisines in China. "Guangzhou is a gourmet paradise" is well known throughout the world.


  Lingnan painting school                                                   Guangzhou's porcelains and ceramics

It is rich in popular practices such as holding Spring Flower Festival, flower fairs, dragon boat race, climbing mountain in the Double Ninth Festival, visiting flower market, displaying tangerine, drinking morning tea and night tea, etc..


 Spring Festival Flower Fair                              Annual Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Race    

There are five religious beliefs in this city such as Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity.  The main sites for religious activities are Liurong Temple, Sanyuan Taoist Temple, Huaisheng Islamic Temple, Stone Catholic Church and Dongshan Christian Church, etc..


Islamic Guangta Pagoda of Huaisheng Temple                Stone Catholic Church      

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